The Ingredient That You Would Need
To prepare the tasty yet healthy keto spicy omelette, you would require the following ingredients:
About The Servings and Preparation Time
The ingredients mentioned in this article would serve 2 people and you can accordingly add the volume if required serving to more heads. The keto spicy omelette takes about 15 minutes of time to be served.
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The recipe to prepare the keto spicy omelette is very simple and it runs as follows:
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The Nutritional Value Per Serving
The keto spicy omelette is the perfect recipe to prove that heating healthy is not necessarily a punishment to the taste buds. The stuff is loaded with the 36 gram of protein and 17gram of fats in each of the servings. Aside, you will be getting four grams of carbohydrate per serving.
The keto spicy omelette is a recipe of ketogenic diet and hence, it supplies you the maximum count of MCFA fats, adequate protein and the least of carbohydrates. The staff would facilitate burning of fats more than the rate of burning carbohydrates.
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