Categories: Keto Health

Ketogenic Diet and Autoimmune Disease: Does Keto Really Work?

About the low-carbohydrate diet namely the ketogenic diet many questions have been raised so far. One of the most discussed topics is the relation between the ketogenic diet and autoimmune disease. There is a belief that the strict ketogenic diet affects the immune system negatively. However, some studies show the exact opposite. Yet, a general statement cannot be made until a wide range of researches will have been conducted. In order to make the relation between the ketogenic diet and autoimmune disease a bit clearer, we have answered some questions below.

What are the Worst Autoimmune Diseases?

To find a relation between the ketogenic diet and autoimmune disease, the autoimmune diseases have been analyzed and observed.

1. Rheumatoid Arthritis

One of the worst autoimmune diseases is Rheumatoid arthritis. In this autoimmune disease, antibodies are produced by the immune system and they get attached to the joint linings. As a result, pain in the joints, swelling, and inflammation occurs.

2. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

The second worst autoimmune disease is the Systemic lupus erythematosus. This disease is one that affects tissues in the body due to the autoimmune antibodies produced in the body. With this disease, blood cells, kidneys, nerves, and joints may be affected negatively.

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3. Inflammatory Bowel

The third autoimmune disease is inflammatory bowel disease. This has various types such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. These diseases are the result of the immune system attacks on the intestines. As a result, episodes of rectal bleeding, diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain, and fever occur.

4. Multiple Sclerosis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Multiple sclerosis and Guillain-Barre syndrome are other serious autoimmune diseases. They attack the nerve cells in general resulting in painful weakness, muscle spasms, and blindness. The chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy is a similar disease however its symptoms last longer.

5. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

The fifth autoimmune disease is type 1 diabetes mellitus. In this disease, the immune system fights against the pancreas and does stop it from producing insulin. As a result, diabetes occurs.

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6. Psoriasis

Another autoimmune disease is the Psoriasis that is enhancing the production of skin cells and cause plaques on the skin.

7. Graves’ Disease

The Graves’ disease on the other hand is a disease that enhances the thyroid hormone production which causes weight loss and nervousness. As the opposite of the previous disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis may be shown. In this disease, the thyroid production is decreased and weight gain, depression, and fatigue are observed.

8. The Myasthenia Gravis

The myasthenia gravis is another nerve disease. It weakens the nerves by binding to nerves.

9. Vasculitis

Last but not least the vasculitis affects the blood cells and as a result, any organ may be damaged. Although there are so many autoimmune diseases, there has been no study showing a positive correlation between the ketogenic diet and autoimmune disease.

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What Are the Signs of a Weak Immune System?

The primary symptom is that the infection a person gets lasts longer in a person with a weak immune system. Besides, it is also hard to fight the infection than it normally should be. Other symptoms may be;

  • Pneumonia
  • Sinus
  • Ear and skin infections
  • Bronchitis
  • Meningitis

In addition, inflammatory infections of the organs may be a result of a weak immune system. Blood disorders, digestion problems, and autoimmune disorders are also symptoms of a weak immune system.

Finally delayed growth and development that is happening very slowly may also result. As it is obvious, among the symptoms no evidence shows any correlation between the ketogenic diet and autoimmune disease.

Does Keto Diet Affect Your Immune System?

The answer is yes. Yet, a positive effect is mentioned in this answer. Although there is no evidence of the relation between ketogenic diet and autoimmune disease, there has been observed a positive effect. The ketogenic diet strengthens the immune system and thus enhances the protection of the body from the flu and other illnesses. Besides, many ketogenic diet researches have had positive results. [1] [2]

Does The Keto Diet Work for Autoimmune Disease? How?

There are no concrete results or evidence that shows a positive correlation between the ketogenic diet and autoimmune disease. Many people believe that the keto diet enhances autoimmune diseases. Yet, more autoimmune diseases have been observed in people following high-carbohydrate diets as a result of some studies. Instead, the keto diet helps to fight against such diseases. It enhances the production of defendants that protect the body from inflectional attacks.


To conclude, various autoimmune diseases are considered to be serious. Their causes are the same; the weakening of the immune system. A statement about the relation of the ketogenic diet and autoimmune disease had been made.

However, no positive correlation of the ketogenic diet and autoimmune disease could be generalized due to the lack of studies. Instead, the benefits of the ketogenic diet to the immune system have some evidence. Until studies are made to prove the opposite it can be said that the keto diet works well for the immune system.


I'm a passionate recipe creator. I love to cook food and share my experiences. My dream is to get 8 hours of sleep every day :)

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