10 Dangers of the Keto Diet You Should Know About

Many people are worried about their weight. They want to have a perfect figure, but it gets hard for them to follow the exercise plan because they do not have enough time for it. As well as they have to maintain their healthy diet because they cannot compromise on their performance due to which dieting is not an option. In this situation, the best solution that most people have is the keto diet plan. It is a process in which we take our body into the ketosis state by eating more fats and controlling our consumption of carbs and proteins. In this way, our body will consume the stored fats and it will effectively help in the weight loss. No doubt it is effective and beneficial for the health, but there are various dangers of the keto diet that you should know about before getting started with the process.
Table of Contents
1. Diarrhea
A common problem that most people have to deal with when they are on a keto diet is diarrhea. The reason is that our body is not used to consuming more fats than carbs. As well as you should know that the breakdown and assimilation of fats takes more time. This is the reason when the body will be unable to digest the fats properly it would lead to some serious digestive issues. It may start with vomiting and nausea feeling, but if you do not pay attention, you may have to suffer from serious diarrhea.
2. Reduced Performance
There are many people who have complained that after following the keto diet their energy level reduced and they were not able to give their best performance. It is the worst dangers of the keto diet because you will not be able to concentrate on the given work when you do not have the level of energy in your body that you need to focus on your work. The ketones produced in the keto diet cannot produce the same amount of energy like the glucose that is why reduced energy is a common issue until your body will get used to the process.
3. Nutritional Deficiency
One of the biggest dangers of the keto diet is that you may have to deal with nutritional deficiency. Most of the food items that you are planning to consume will contain more fats. This is the reason you will not be able to maintain the healthy nutrients in your diet. We all know that deficiency of even a minor nutrient from the diet can lead to various other health issues. That is why while preparing your keto diet plan it is important that you pay proper attention to the nutrients that you will get from your diet.
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4. Ketoacidosis
There are many people who suffer from acidosis after following the keto diet. The reason is that ketones produced by the keto diet are acidic in nature. If you maintain the keto diet for a long time the ketones product, used in the body will exceed the normal limit, and they will make the blood acidic. We all know that it is very important to maintain the pH of blood because slightly acidic or basic pH can lead to liver and kidney failure and various other issues. That is why it is advised that we should not maintain the keto diet for a prolonged duration to avoid dangers of the keto diet.
5. Loss of Muscle Mass
You will be surprised to know that in a keto diet you will not only lose your fats but the proteins with it. This means that the weight you are losing may not only me the fats but also your muscle mass. It happens when you will not maintain the level of proteins in your diet. Your body will start burning the muscles to generate energy and, in this way, the lean muscle mass in your body will be reduced. To prevent the loss of muscle mass, you should maintain the proteins in your diet.
6. Weight Regain
Do not forget that you are eating fats for losing fats. There are chances that you will start gaining weight instead of losing it. The reason is that there are many people who start the keto diet but their body does not enter the ketosis. This is the reason they will immediately start gaining weight instead of losing it. This is a very dangerous condition because you can turn into an obese person in no time. The best solution is to monitor the level of ketones present on your blood. It will help you know whether your body is in ketosis state or not.
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7. Low Blood Sugar Level
No doubt keto diet is going for the people suffering from diabetes who have a higher blood sugar level. However, for a normal individual it can be side effects. The reason is that your body will not be able to maintain the normal level of sugar in blood because you are not consuming the carbs. This is the reason sugar level will drop below the normal limits and you will have to deal with the side effects that comes with it.
8. Dehydration
The common dangers of the keto diet is dehydration. There are chances that you are drinking the normal amount of water. However, your body will need more water to get rid of the stored ketones and other waste products that are produced by the keto diet. This is the reason your kidney will be consuming more water to flush out the wastes. In this way you may have to suffer from severe dehydration. The better solution is to assure that you consume double amount of water just like your kidney is consuming it. That is the only way you can protect yourself from dehydration and formation of kidney stones.
9. Cardiac Problems
No doubt that keto diet can help you control the level of LDL in your body. however, if you will not monitor your consumption of fats and you will keep consuming all the unhealthy fatty products, chances are you will increase the risk of heart problems. The level of LDL will increase in your body that will cause the obstruction of blood vessels. You may have to deal with various health issues like hypertension. If you will not monitor your condition properly, it may lead to various other health issues.
10. Constipation
Many people suffer from constipation after consuming the keto diet. The reason is that they do not drink enough water that can be used to pass out the stool, as well as their body is not comfortable with the fatty food items. It is taking more time for their body to digest the food items and this is the reason they are dealing with constipation. It is not minor dangers of the keto diet because constipation can lead to various other health issues. Your body is not eliminating the waste products that you have consumed, and it can lead to toxicity of the body.
Bottom Line
Many individuals start the diet plan without knowing about the dangers of the keto diet. This is the reason when they are unable to maintain the diet plan properly they have to deal with various side effects that come with the process. This is the reason instead of losing weight they have to deal with other health problems that make them gain weight once again. That is why it is advised that before you can get started with the keto diet, it is important that you study the diet plan, process and dangers of the keto diet properly. That is the only way you will know whether you should start the diet plan or not. Another important thing that you have to consider doing is consulting your doctor.
In case you are dealing with some health issues, going on a keto diet can be dangerous for your body. Ask your doctor whether you can go on a keto diet or not. He will explain all the dangers of the keto diet associated with your health condition and help you decide whether it is the right option for you or not. If you are on a keto diet and notice some reactions, it is better that you stop the diet plan and consult an expert.
- https://www.powerofpositivity.com/ketogenic-diet-dangers/
- https://www.health.com/weight-loss/keto-diet-side-effects
- https://www.rd.com/health/diet-weight-loss/keto-diet-dangers/
- https://www.healthline.com/health-news/keto-diet-is-gaining-popularity-but-is-it-safe-121914#8
- https://www.tylertolman.com/health-articles/the-dangers-of-the-keto-diet/
- https://pixabay.com/en/belly-body-calories-diet-exercise-2354/
- https://pixabay.com/en/healthy-health-icons-exercise-icons-3638142/
- https://ustrafficsystems.com/product/flashing-caution-sign/